Valve calculations

Valve calculations

Functions to generate valve performance curves and valve pressure tables using current conditions.


using PressureDrop

MDs = [0,1813, 2375, 2885, 3395]
TVDs = [0,1800, 2350, 2850, 3350]
incs = [0,0,0,0,0]
id = 2.441

well = Wellbore(MDs, incs, TVDs, id)
valves = GasliftValves([1813,2375,2885,3395], #valve MDs
                       [1005,990,975,960], #valve PTROs (psig)
                       [0.073,0.073,0.073,0.073], #valve R-values
                       [16,16,16,16]) #valve port sizes in 64ths inches

tubing_pressures = [150,837,850,840,831] #pressures at depth
casing_pressures = 1070 .+ [0,53,70,85,100]
temps = [135,145,148,151,153] #temps at depth

vdata, inj_depth = valve_calcs(valves = valves, well = well, sg_gas = 0.72, tubing_pressures = tubing_pressures, casing_pressures = casing_pressures, tubing_temps = temps, casing_temps = temps)

valve_table(vdata, inj_depth)
│ GLV │   MD │  TVD │  PSO │  PSC │  Port │     R │ PPEF │ PTRO │   TP │   CP │  PVO │  PVC │ T_td │ T_cd │   Q_o │ Q_1.5 │   Q_1 │
│     │   ft │   ft │ psig │ psig │ 64ths │       │    % │ psig │ psig │ psig │ psig │ psig │   °F │   °F │ mcf/d │ mcf/d │ mcf/d │
│   4 │ 1813 │ 1800 │ 1077 │ 1056 │    16 │ 0.073 │    8 │ 1005 │  837 │ 1123 │ 1130 │ 1109 │  145 │  145 │  1261 │   959 │   757 │
│   3 │ 2375 │ 2350 │ 1048 │ 1028 │    16 │ 0.073 │    8 │  990 │  850 │ 1140 │ 1118 │ 1098 │  148 │  148 │  1276 │   970 │   766 │
│   2 │ 2885 │ 2850 │ 1022 │ 1002 │    16 │ 0.073 │    8 │  975 │  840 │ 1155 │ 1107 │ 1087 │  151 │  151 │  1315 │   999 │   789 │
│   1 │ 3395 │ 3350 │  993 │  974 │    16 │ 0.073 │    8 │  960 │  831 │ 1170 │ 1093 │ 1074 │  153 │  153 │  1351 │  1027 │   811 │


estimate_valve_Rvalue(port_size, valve_size, lapped_seat = true)

Estimates an R-value for your valve (not recommended) using sensible defaults, if you do not have a manufacturer-provided value specific to the valve (recommended).

Takes port size as a diameter in 64ths inches, a valve size in inches {1.0, 1.5}, and an indication of whether the seat is lapped as {true, false}.


valve_calcs(<named args>)

Calculates a standard table of pressures and temperatures for anticipated valve operation at current (steady-state) conditions.

Note that all inputs and outputs are in psig for ease of interpretation.

Additionally, all forms are derived from the force balance for opening, Pt * Ap + Pc * (Ad - Ap) ≥ Pd * Ad and the force balance for closing, Pc ≤ P_d.

Further note that:

  • the valve closing pressures given are a theoretical minimum (casing pressure is assumed to act on the entire area of the bellows/dome until closing).
  • valve opening and closing pressures are recalculated from PTRO and current conditions, rather than the other way around common during design.
  • casing temperature is assumed to be 85% of tubing temperature if only a tubing temperature profile is provided. To force the use of identical temperature profiles, pass the wellbore temperature twice.


  • valves::GasliftValves: a GasliftValves object defining the valve string
  • well::Wellbore: a Wellbore object defining the survey/segmentation points, deviation survey, and tubing
  • sg_gas: injection gas specific gravity
  • tubing_pressures::Array{T, 1} where T <: Real: precalculated tubing pressures in psig
  • casing_pressures::Array{T, 1} where T <: Real: precalculated casing pressures in psig
  • tubing_temps::Array{T, 1} where T <: Real: precalculated tubing temperature profile in °F
  • casing_temps::Array{T, 1} where T <: Real = tubing_temps .* 0.85: precalculated casing temperature profile in °F
  • dp_min = 100: minimum differential pressure (CP - TP) in psi for calculating an assumed injection point
  • one_inch_coefficient = 0.76: coefficient of discharge for Thornhill-Craver gas passage calculations for 1" valves
  • one_pt_five_inch_coefficient = 0.6: coefficient of discharge for Thornhill-Craver gas passage calculations for 1.5" valves

valve_table(valvedata, injection_depth = nothing)

Pretty prints the data returned by valve_calcs for interpretation.


SageAndLacy_nitrogen_Zfactor(p, T)

Sage and Lacy experimental Z-factor correlation.

Takes pressure in psia and temperature in °F.



Thornhill-Craver gas throughput for square-edged orifice.

See section 8.1 of Fundamentals of Gas Lift Engineering by Ali Hernandez, as well as published work by Ken Decker, for an in-depth discussion of the application of Thornhill-Craver to gas lift valve performance.

In general, T-C will be optimistic, but should be expected to have an effective error of up to +/- 30%.


  • P_td: tubing pressure at depth, psig
  • P_cd: casing pressure at depth, psig
  • T_cd: gas (casing fluid) temperature at depth, °F
  • portsize_64ths: valve port size in 64ths inch
  • sg_gas: gas specific gravity relative to air
  • molFracCO2 = 0.0, molFracH2S = 0.0: produced gas fractions of hydrogen sulfide and CO2, [0,1]
  • C_d = 0.827: discharge coefficient–uses 0.827 by defaul to match original T-C
  • Z_correlation::Function = KareemEtAlZFactor: natural gas compressibility/Z-factor correlation to use
  • pseudocrit_pressure_correlation::Function = HankinsonWithWichertPseudoCriticalPressure: psuedocritical pressure function to use
  • pseudocrit_temp_correlation::Function = HankinsonWithWichertPseudoCriticalTemp: pseudocritical temperature function to use

ThornhillCraver_gaspassage_simplified(P_td, P_cd, T_cd, portsize_64ths)

Thornhill-Craver gas throughput for square-edged orifice (optimistic since it assumes a fully open valve where the stem does not interfere with flow).

This simplified version assumes gas specific gravity at 0.65.


  • P_td: tubing pressure at depth, psig
  • P_cd: casing pressure at depth, psig
  • T_cd: gas (casing fluid) temperature at depth, °F
  • portsize_64ths: valve port size in 64ths inch

domepressure_downhole(p_d_set, T_v, error_tolerance = 0.1, p_d_est = p_d_set/0.9, T_set = 60, Zfactor::Function = SageAndLacy_nitrogen_Zfactor)

Iteratively calculates the dome pressure in psia of the valve downhole using gas equation of state, assuming that the change in dome volume is negligible.


  • PTRO: test rack opening pressure of valve in psig
  • R: R-value of the valve (nominally, area of port divided by area of bellows/dome, but adjusted for lapped seats, etc)
  • T_v: valve temperature at depth
  • error_tolerance = 0.1: error tolerance in psi
  • delta_est: initial estimate for downhole dome pressure as a percentage of surface set pressure
  • T_set = 60: setting temperature in °F
  • Zfactor::Function = SageAndLacy_nitrogen_Zfactor: Z-factor function parameterized by target conditions as pressure in psia and temperature in °F